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SuperBob (2015, SuperBob)
A Super Bob Einstein film (2021, The Super Bob Einstein Movie)
Superbook (2011, Superbook)
Supercon (2018, Supercon)
Super Crooks (2021, Super Crooks)
Supercross (2005, Supercross: The Movie)
Super Dark Times (2017, Super Dark Times)
Super Dragon (1972, Ba wang quan)
Super Duper Alice Cooper (2014, Super Duper Alice Cooper)
Superfantozzi (1985, Superfantozzi)
Superfast - Haláli iramban (2015, Superfast!)
Super Fly (1972, Super Fly)
SuperFly (2018, SuperFly)
Superfly visszatér (1990, The Return of Superfly)
Supergirl (2015, Supergirl)
Superhero (2008, Superhero Movie)
Super Junior: Az utolsó emberig (2023, Super Junior: The Last Man Standing)
Superlopez (2018, Superlópez)
Superman (1941, Superman)
Superman (1948, Superman)
Superman (1978, Superman)
Superman (2025, Superman)
Superman 2. (1980, Superman II.)
Superman 3. (1983, Superman III)
Superman 4. - A béke nyomában (1987, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace)
Superman - A Krypton utolsó fia (1996, Superman: The Last Son of Krypton)
Superman: A rajzfilmsorozat (1996, Superman)
Superman/Batman: Közellenségek (2009, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies)
Super/Man: Christopher Reeve története (2024, Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story)
Superman elszabadul (2013, Superman: Unbound)

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