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Checkmate (2015, Checkmate)
Che Guevara (1968, El "Che" Guevara)
Che Guevara: A motoros naplója (2004, Diarios de motocicleta)
The Chelsea Detective (2022, The Chelsea Detective)
Chelsea Handler: Evolúció (2020, Chelsea Handler: Evolution)
Chelsea Walls (2002, Chelsea Walls)
Chemia (2015, Chemia)
Chemical Hearts (2020, Chemical Hearts)
The Chemistry of Death (2023, The Chemistry of Death)
Cherbourg-i esernyők (1964, Les Parapluies de Cherbourg)
Chéri - Egy kurtizán szerelme (2009, Chéri)
The Chernobyl Fallout (2022, The Chernobyl Fallout)
A Cherokee kölyök (1996, The Cherokee Kid)
Cheers (1982, Cheers)
Cherry (2012, Cherry)
Cherry 2000 (1988, Cherry 2000)
Cherry: Az elveszett ártatlanság (2021, Cherry)
Chesapeake Shores (2016, Chesapeake Shores)
Che sau (2012, Che sau)
Chestnut vs. Kobayashi: Evőverseny (2024, Chestnut vs. Kobayashi: Unfinished Beef)
Che utolsó órája (2004, Le ultime ore del Che)
Chevalier (2022, Chevalier)
A Chevrah Kadisha (2002, The Burial Society)
Cheyenne ősz (1964, Cheyenne Autumn)
The Cheyenne Social Club (1970, The Cheyenne Social Club)
Chi: A Föld mozgása (2024, Chi. Chikyu no undo ni tsuite)
Chiara (2022, Chiara)
Chiara Lubich - A szeretet mindent legyőz (2021, Chiara Lubich - L'amore vince tutto)
Chiara története (1990, La storia spezzata)
Chicago (2002, Chicago)

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