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Chopin - Vágyakozás a szerelemre (2002, Chopin. Pragnienie milosci)
Chop Shop - A londoni műhely (2008, Chop Shop London Garage)
Chop Socky Chooks (2007, Chop Socky Chooks)
Chorus (2015, Chorus)
Chowder (2007, Chowder)
Chrissa és a Gonosz Méhek (2009, An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong)
Chris Brown és az erőszak (2024, Chris Brown: A History of Violence)
Chris & Don. A Love Story (2007, Chris & Don. A Love Story)
Chris és a csodaautó (2003, Wilder Days)
Chris Humfrey a vadállatok között (2011, Chris Humfrey's Wild Life)
Chris Isaak Show (2001, The Chris Isaak Show)
Christiane F. - Mi, gyerekek az állatkerti megállónál (1981, Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo)
Christina háza (1999, Christina's House)
Christina titka (1993, The Disappearance of Christina)
Christine (1958, Christine)
Christine kalandjai (2006, The New Adventures of Old Christine)
Christine Keeler tárgyalása (2019, Trial of Christine Keeler)
Christmas, Again (2014, Christmas, Again)
The Christmas Bow (2020, The Christmas Bow)
Christmas Break-In (2018, Christmas Break-In)
A Christmas Carol (2018, A Christmas Carol)
A Christmas in Vermont (2016, A Christmas in Vermont)
Christmas on Ice (2020, Christmas on Ice)
Christmas on the Menu (2020, Christmas on the Menu)
Christmas Stars (2012, Julestjerner)
Christmas Trade (2015, Christmas Trade)
Christy (1994, Christy)
Christy: Nehéz választás (2001, Christy, Choices of the Heart, Part II: A New Beginning)
Chromite hadművelet (2016, In-cheon sang-ryuk jak-jeon)
Chronicle History of King Henry the Fifth with His Batteell Fought... (1944, Chronicle History of King Henry the Fifth with His Battell Fought...)
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