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Save Your Legs! (2012, Save Your Legs!)
Saving It (2010)
Sayen (2023, Sayen)
Say Hey, Willie Mays! (2022, Say Hey, Willie Mays!)
Scalawag (1973, Scalawag)
Scampia aranya (2014, L'oro di Scampia)
Scampolo (2005)
The Scandalous Four (2011, The Scandalous Four)
Scanner, a zsaru (1994, Scanner Cop)
Scanner, a zsaru 2. (1994, Scanners: The Showdown)
Scanners 2. - Új rendszer (1991, Scanners II: The New Order)
Scanners 3. (1992, Scanners III: The Takeover)
Scapin furfangjai (1976)
Scaramouche (1923, Scaramouche)
Scaramouche (1975, The Loves and Times of Scaramouche)
Scaramouche, a márki (1952, Scaramouche)
Scarborough (2018, Scarborough)
Scare Campaign (2016, Scare Campaign)
Scarlett (1994, Scarlett)
Scarlet kisasszony és a Herceg (2020, Miss Scarlet and the Duke)
Scheherezade a rendőrségen (2005, Tatort - Scheherazade)
Schiller (2005, Schiller)
Schimanski visszatér (1997, Schimanski - Die Schwadron)
Schindler listája (1993, Schindler's List)
Schitt's Creek (2015, Schitt's Creek)
Schlussmacher (2013, Schlussmacher)
Schmeichel (2025, Schmeichel)
Schmidt története (2002, About Schmidt)
Schmitke (2014, Schmitke)
Schneider vs. Bax (2015, Schneider vs. Bax)
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